Work Habits That Can Keep Your Smile in Tip-Top Shape

If you’re interested in maintaining a top-notch smile at work, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentist, Dr. Jacob Miller, is happy to discuss the ways you can care for your teeth and gums while you work on projects and assignments in your office or cubicle. To keep your teeth and gums in tip-top shape while you work, it’s best to do the following things:

-Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your desk drawer and use them often. In fact, it’s best if you brush your teeth after lunch each day. This can help you maintain a clean and healthy smile.

-Avoid eating sticky treats that contain high amounts of sugar. These treats tend to stick to the teeth for long periods of time, which can promote tooth decay.

-Avoid drinking sugary and acidic drinks. This is recommended because sugary and acidic drinks can cause cavities and enamel erosion.

-Avoid chewing on pens and pencils. Chewing on inedible objects can fracture and chip the tooth enamel.

-Don’t use your teeth as tools. Using your teeth to open a package or tear off a tag can harm the smile in many ways.

-Drink water throughout the day. Doing so can frequently wash your teeth and gums.

Would you like to know more about how to maintain a healthy smile in Grand Rapids, Michigan? If so, please reach out to our dental team at Jacob S. Miller, DDS when you have the chance. All you need to do is dial 616-364-7039 and we will be more than happy to help you!

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