Do You Have a Tooth Grinding Habit?

It’s not uncommon for many people to occasionally clench or grind their teeth, but if it is a frequent habit that particularly occurs during sleep, your mouth could become damaged. We invite you to learn more about the signs of tooth grinding to know if you should take steps to prevent damage to your smile.

Harmful Effects of Bruxism
If you frequently grind your teeth at night, a condition which is known as bruxism, your could experience immediate pain such as persistent headaches and jaw pain. Over time, you can also experience loose or fractured teeth and tooth loss, as well as worn and ruined dental fillings and crowns. Finally, you may even suffer eventual bone loss.

Complications of Correcting Unconscious Habits
Many patients don’t know they are dealing with bruxism because the it occurs while they are asleep. Because of this, the condition may go undetected for a very long time. We encourage you to seek treatment if you frequently experience a sore jaw or headaches in the morning or have loved one who suffers with these symptoms. Eventually, prolonged grinding could result in worn-down teeth and gum inflammation.

Find Help Here
Our dentist at Jacob S. Miller, DDS can diagnose and treat bruxism and repair your smile with a variety of options. Depending on your specific condition, you may need to receive a custom night guard that keeps the teeth cushioned, or you might need to have your teeth adjusted for a healthier alignment. Finally, you may need to make lifestyle changes such as reducing stress to improve not just your smile, but also your whole-body health.

If you are concerned about having bruxism in Grand Rapids, Michigan, you are welcome to call our office at 616-364-7039 for an appointment with Dr. Jacob Miller.

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